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FLOWER RE-MIX (What to do with VDay flowers before the last petal falls.)


Valentine's Day is a week away and as sad as it is to say this, the flowers or roses you received will start to loose their luster. Here's a simple way to extend your roses to make your self care soaks even sexier!

This works for roses, with lavender, jasmine, honeysuckle and many other flowers. Flowers hold some beautiful natural oils in them that can actually help to moisturize the skin. So before you toss that bouquet babe, try this recipe.

What You'll Need:

  • Bouquet of Fresh Flowers

  • Epsom Salts

  • Glass Jar

1. Gently pull fresh rose petals once they are 1-2 days from being brown and completely dried out. Depending on the type of roses you have, will depend on how many you need to collect. You do not want wet rose petals.

2. Begin layering Epsom salts & rose petals in a glass jar.

3. Repeat this until the jar is completely filled.

4. Seal the top of the jar with a piece of napkin/paper towel and secure with a hair tie or rubber band. This will allow it to breathe.

5. The salt mixture pulls the natural essential oils from the rose petals. This is infused into the salts. Depending on how fragrant you want your salts, repeat the above process by adding petals to your existing mixture. If you add more rose petals, put your salts in a mortar and gently grind them into the existing salt mixture. Let your mixture sit for approximately 1 week before adding any additional rose petals.

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